Meeting people at college can be a scary thing for people. Some people are shy, quiet, or excessively outgoing. Shy and quiet people are scared to meet others because they are afraid to approach people. In college you shouldn't be afraid to approach new people. The easiest way to meet others is to start is to talk to people that live in the same dorm hall as you. The biggest interest of people in college is to meet new people, so dont be shy to walk up to someone and introduce yourself, because more than likely the person you takl to will be interested in meeting you and forming a friendship.
I know what you mean I wasn't scared to meet people when I first got here, but now sometimes I wish I had been. LoL- You know what I mean, but now we are friends so some good did come out of talking to everyone. Love ya and good idea for a blog!
Great idea for a blog..Freshman year is always a tough one..I wish I had something like this to ease my mind! Very cool.
Have fun meeting everyone this year!
& welcome to Pi Phi!
that's one thing that made freshman year of college so much more amazing for me!
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